Role of leadership in
achieving organizational excellence: In order to be able to achieve organizational excellence, a
leader must play these three roles described below:
Leaders of excellent organization are capable of shaping the
future of the organization. Leaders are visionary. They have the power of
thinking intuitively and are able to foresee the future, thus can make
contribution in shaping the future. They have the quality of always behaving
according to the moral principles so that they can earn people’s respect and
trust. Leaders should be able to establish their image in such as way that they
become the role model of values and ethics.
2. Succeeding through
Leaders cannot bring the organizational success only by themselves. They need to involve people in the course of their journey towards achieving organizational success. Without the contribution of each and every person of the organization, it is quite impossible to achieve success. Therefore, leaders of excellent organizations know how to position their organization as a succeeding one through the people of the organization. An excellent leader makes other employees feel that they are important for the organization and is willing to empower the subordinates to boost up the work performance. A good leader appreciates his or her subordinates and gives proper recognition when required. Leaders create a worker-friendly work environment in which they can create exciting opportunities to provide rewards and recognition to the workers.
Leaders cannot bring the organizational success only by themselves. They need to involve people in the course of their journey towards achieving organizational success. Without the contribution of each and every person of the organization, it is quite impossible to achieve success. Therefore, leaders of excellent organizations know how to position their organization as a succeeding one through the people of the organization. An excellent leader makes other employees feel that they are important for the organization and is willing to empower the subordinates to boost up the work performance. A good leader appreciates his or her subordinates and gives proper recognition when required. Leaders create a worker-friendly work environment in which they can create exciting opportunities to provide rewards and recognition to the workers.
3. Nurturing Creativity & Innovation
Excellent organizations have leaders who know how to promote a culture of creativity and innovation within the organization’s environmental structure. Excellent leaders encourage people to be creative and innovative. To encourage creativity, many leaders focus on constructing a work environment where it is completely “fine” to make mistakes. Great leaders are seen to have greater tolerance of failure. They do not only appreciate contributions, but also mistakes and any sorts of effort taken by their subordinates. Even, sometimes, we see leaders applauding and celebrating mistakes.